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From: "Scott Nelson" <sbnelson@i1.net>
Subject: Transparent printing
Message-ID: <Gqks2.225$VQ5.2885478@news1.i1.net>
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:31:28 -0600
To: kermit.misc@mailrelay2.cc.columbia.edu
I developed a utility similar to FSF's screen program so that our K95
users connecting over the internet can re-connect to their "session" if
they get bumped off (phone line or internet problems). (It ended up
being easy to add "shadowing" features so that our customer support team
can connect and help someone).
application ---- utility ----- user
The link between the utility and the user can be broken and
reestablished without the application even knowing about it. Pretty
snazzy isn't it :-). It allows us to use our legacy application over
the internet, using kermit with encryption and authentication. The
application displays its data even if there is no connection on the
other end. When the user re-connects, the utility sends a "refresh the
screen" function key to the application and bingo - they are back where
they need to be. The reason I don't block data when the user
disconnects is that I don't know exactly when the user gets
disconnected. Sometimes, it's not until they login again. That's why I
let the data pass freely when disconnected and then have a simple
"refresh" fkey.
My problem is printing.
1) You loose printer output when disconnected; user must request report
again (and hopefully they stay online longer)
2) Long reports to the screen makes it impossible to use the screen.
3) We can't share the printer. (The data is sent directly by the
application; not by a spooler)
What I would like to do is this: Have my utility read two pseudo ttys
instead of one; one from the application and one from the spooler. It
would then multiplex this output to the user. I could give the
application priority over the spooler. I guess I would also need to
interpret the application's output to prevent breaking up an escape
Any ideas on how I should do this? Originally I thought that I was
going to use only K95 in scoansi mode and could use a formula to
determine when an escape sequence ends, but now I have learned that I
need to support all terminals connected directly to the system (They
loved the customer support shadowing idea).
Moreever, I don't have ANY solution to #1 above.
Scott Nelson - Thermeon Corporation - St. Louis Office